Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Compact Fluorescent Lighting PowerPoint

Compact Fluorescent Lighting is an interesting topic these days. So I decided to embark on a project that could save me a few dollars, and maybe even help out the environment.
Since I live well below the poverty line, I could only afford 3 compact fluorescent light bulbs to begin my experiment. It was all I needed to discover the savings I could expect after 1 years use. After many hours of devoted internet research, I found that by switching out my 3 incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, I could save enough money to treat my fiance to a modest dinner and her favorite flowers.
Then, I began to wonder how much money could be saved if many people decided to embark on this experiment. To examine my study on the compact fluorescent light bulb check out my POWERPOINT.

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