Monday, April 27, 2009

Photos and Adapted Physical Education

Hurdling with the hounds!

Tug of War
with an alligator!

My project for the MAT program
For my Individualized education plan (IEP) I decided to teach my mentor how to post photos highlighting events for special needs students that take place here in the Valley. I then took it a step further and showed her how to make photos more interesting by using Photoshop. Above are two examples of our creations.

As an Adapted PE student teacher, I visit up to ten different schools and see as many as 75 students a week. I thought it would be exciting for students and parents to have a site to post and view all the different activities that take place throughout the year.

My first step was to find an audience to teach how to display photos of k-12 special needs students participating in events here in the Mat-Su valley. My mentor, who believes she has a disability with using technology, volunteered with enthusiasm. We decided to start with posting pictures of Mat-Su Funday for the primary level. My hope is to inspire my students and their parents to post pictures of many school related events on Picasa for all to view. I chose Picasa because it is easy to use and it is available for anyone with internet access. I think it is a perfect location for people to visit and check out what is happening and to post comments about photos they see.

Then, to make it more exciting, I decided to teach her how to use Adobe Photoshop. I think it would be great if more teachers and students learned how to use photoshop to spice up their photos and start their own Picasa web album to share with friends, family and the world-wide-web. Click here to view lesson plans for using Picasa and Adobe Photoshop.

Projects from the beginning
